Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Spanish Armada Essay -- Invincible Armada

The Spanish Armada likewise called the Invincible Armada, and all the more effectively La Armada Grande. It was an armada proposed to attack England and to stop the English hostility against the Spanish Crown. Anyway it was a deadly error and after a week’s battling the Spanish Armada was broken, this prompted the steady decrease in sea intensity of Spain. Spanish forces ruled and impact a great part of the â€Å"known world† during the sixteenth Century. Spanish pioneer King Phillip II had motivations to kill their most outstanding opponent England. His reasons were to change over the Protestants in England to the Church of Rome and to dispense with one of the significant ocean dreading adversaries for financial riches. In 1587, Francis Drake traveled off the shore of Spain and under Elizabeth's desires; Francis Drake assaulted the Spanish transportation, consumed the half-completed and unmanned boats at Cadiz, and harmed the Spanish naval force. Lord Philip II finally persuaded that Spain must attack England so as to rule the locale. Be that as it may, his wastefulness as a coordinator was rarely progressively clear. Slow, inert, and not just oblivious of the mystery of ocean power, yet in addition reluctant to concede that there was any requirement for exhortation and heading in ocean fighting. He squandered a very long time on making arrangements of battle while the structure and refitting of the armada was ignored. Despite the fact that the Spaniards of that day were presumed the best warriors on the planet, yet in maritime moves and in the utilization of overwhelming big guns they were a long ways behind...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Learning Objectives Free Essays

Unit 1 Learning Objectives for Course Content Topic: Reading/Listening Strategies 1. Recognize which segment of the Model of Strategic Learning Reading and Listening techniques fall under and why. 2. We will compose a custom paper test on Learning Objectives or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Relate perusing and listening procedures to the mainstays of being a vital student. 3. Clarify what is implied by perusing/listening being a â€Å"constructive procedure. † 4. Examine how the three parts of built significance †writer, peruser, and content †impact the understanding procedure. Have the option to give instances of each. 5. Sum up the aftereffects of research directed about speed-perusing as examined in your understudy understanding bundle. . Recognize the reasons for pre-, during-and post-understanding methodologies. Have the option to give instances of methodologies from every class. Subject: Note taking Strategies 1. Recognize which segment of the Model of Strategic Learning note taking falls under and why. 2. Relate note-taking systems to the mainstays of being a vital student. 3. Clarify the Cornell and SUNY strategies for note taking. Talk about how utilizing these techniques for note taking assistance an understudy to be an increasingly dynamic st udent. 4. Recognize instances of pre-, during-and post-note taking procedures. Additionally, clarify the motivation behind every one of these classes of methodologies. . Exhibit consciousness of which note taking techniques would be most fitting given explicit learning circumstances. 6. Portray the collaboration between note taking and the parts of the Model of Strategic Learning: ability, will, self-guideline and the scholastic condition. Theme: Attitude (ATT) 1. Distinguish which segment of the Model of Strategic Learning Attitude falls under and why. 2. Relate Attitude to the mainstays of being a vital student. 3. Characterize and give a case of a â€Å"useful† objective. 4. Talk about how every component of a helpful objective can impact a person’s inspiration to accomplish the objective. . Talk about and give instances of objective clash and objective duty. 6. Talk about and give instances of objective possession. 7. Characterize and depict the contrast between em powering objectives, momentary objectives and long haul objectives. 8. How are wishes and dreams not quite the same as objectives? 9. Talk about how esteems and convictions impact our objectives. 10. Examine and give instances of the three kinds of objective directions. Subject: Model of Strategic Learning 1. Rundown and talk about the four parts of the Model of Strategic Learning, and give instances of each. Clarify how every one of these segments can add to scholarly achievement. 2. Rundown and clarify the 4 columns (attributes) of key students. 3. Talk about why one ought to endeavor to be both successful and proficient in learning. 4. Portray the reason for the Model of Strategic Learning. 5. Talk about and give a case of how the Model of Strategic Learning is intuitive 6. Clarify which segments of the Model of Strategic Learning are or are not commonly under the learner’s direct control. Theme: Information Processing (INP) 1. Distinguish which part of the Model of Strategic Learning Information Processing falls under and why. 2. Relate Information Processing to the mainstays of being a vital student. . Talk about and give instances of how learning is a functioning procedure. 4. Talk about and give instances of the three classes of information securing techniques: practice, elaboration and association. Have the option to figure out which classification of systems is most appropriate for a given circumstance. 5. Talk about how memory functions as indicat ed by the memory continuum. How might we make data significant and get it into long haul memory? 6. Clarify the contrast among familiarity and adaptability as far as information securing techniques. How is being familiar and adaptable significant for key learning? . Talk about the contrast between â€Å"working hard† and â€Å"working keen. † How do these terms identify with vital learning? 8. Examine how your objectives are identified with choosing data preparing procedures. Subject: Self-testing (SFT) 1. Recognize which segment of the Model of Strategic Learning Self-Testing falls under and why. 2. Relate Self-testing to the mainstays of being a vital student. 3. Portray and give a case of the cognizance observing procedure circle. 4. Talk about what is implied by the term â€Å"triggering event† according to understanding observing. 5. Clarify the contrast between new data and unverified desires. 6. Rundown and characterize the techniques utilized for managing new data and unsubstantiated desires. 7. Talk about why the â€Å"illusion of knowing† can make issues for an understudy. Theme: Systematic Approach to Learning 1. Distinguish which segment of the Model of Strategic Learning the Systematic Approach falls under and why. 2. Relate the Systematic Approach to Learning to the mainstays of being a key student. 3. Name and talk about the 8 stages of the Systematic Approach to Learning. Give instances of each progression and examine why each progression is significant (I. . , what might the results be if any one stage was excluded). 4. Talk about the contrast among developmental and summative assessment. 5. Examine what a vital student ought to do when he/she finds an arrangement isn't working. Theme: 5 Types of Knowledge 1. Distinguish which part of the Model of Strategic Learning the 5 Types of Knowledge fal ls under and why. 2. Relate the 5 Types of Knowledge to the mainstays of being a vital student. 3. Rundown, depict, and give a case of every one of the Five Types of Knowledge. 4. Clarify how every one of the 5 Types of Knowledge can be helpful when utilizing the Systematic Approach. Subject: Motivation (MOT) 1. Recognize which segment of the Model of Strategic Learning Motivation falls under and why. 2. Relate Motivation to the mainstays of being a key student. 3. Portray and give a case of the two general classes of convictions (self-disrupting versus empowering) one may understanding and how these convictions identify with inspiration. 4. Depict and give a case of high and low self-adequacy. 5. Rundown and examine the three factors that impact self-viability and give instances of each. 6. Rundown and talk about the components that self-viability impacts and give instances of each. 7. Examine the contrast between an) inside versus outside, and b) controllable versus wild attributions. 8. Portray and give instances of the four sorts of attributions and how each identifies with inspiration. 9. Talk about how attributions cooperate with self-viability. What sorts of attributions are probably going to prompt higher self-adequacy? 10. Talk about and give instances of how influence toward learning can upgrade or meddle with the learning procedure. 11. Talk about the distinction among inner and outer inspiration. 12. Portray and give a case of the distinction between a student’s mentality and inspiration. The most effective method to refer to Learning Objectives, Essay models

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Researching Colleges Download Our Lists.

HomeFinanceResearching Colleges? Download Our College ListsThis page may contain affiliate links.Feb 14, 2018 Creating a potential list of colleges a  student may be interested in, is an important step in the college planning process. To help jumpstart the research, were  offering the following 12 college lists. Want to know which school, in each state, has the best graduation rates? Want to know which school, in each state, has highest student earnings 10 years after graduation? Want to know which school, in each state, has the highest average net price?   Enter your email below and receive the following 12 college lists. Email Address   After entering in your email address, well send our 12 college lists  in a follow-up email.   Our Privacy Policy Private College with Highest Graduation Rate by State Public College with Highest Graduation Rate by State Most Affordable Private College for Low Income Students Most Affordable Public College for Low Income Students Most Expensive Private College for Low Income Students Most Expensive Public College for Low Income Students Private College with Highest Percentage of PLUS Loans by State Public College with Highest Percentage of PLUS Loans by State Private College with Highest Student Earnings by State Public College with Highest Student Earnings by State Private College with Highest Average Net Price by State Public College with Highest Average Net Price by State    Privacy Policy (function() { function asyncLoad() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript';s.async = true; s.src = '//'; var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x); } if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload', asyncLoad); else window.addEventListener('load', asyncLoad, false); })(); SaveSave Road2College Debbie Schwartz is former financial services executive and founder of Road2College and the Paying For College 101 Facebook group. She's dedicated to providing families with trustworthy information about college admissions and paying for college. With data, tools and access to experts she's helping families become educated consumers of higher ed. View all posts CATEGORIES ApplicationsApplyFinanceFinancial aid TAGS college searchNEWER POSTAre Private Scholarships Worth The Effort?OLDER POSTSee FLOTUS Rap Go To College

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay about Slavery in Africa, Europe, and Jamaica

Slavery in Africa, Europe, and Jamaica Traders, businessmen, African slavers and slaves each had a unique experience and involvement in the business of the transatlantic slave trade. This lucrative process, that lasted between 1500 to 1870 AD included three different hemispheres: Europe, Africa, and the Americas, specifically Jamaica. In Africa slavery existed long before European exposure, however, over time the motivation for slavery changed. Originally slavery existed because of the expanding of African territories or the need to pay off debts. Europeans, during their attempts to make a shorter trade route to India and Asia, encountered the African custom and adopted it. Therefore, the Europeans filled their pockets with goods†¦show more content†¦The first reason for slavery was the prisoner of war. War between rival communities over land or for other fractions left people who were captured. These people were mainly adopted into the new culture, in order to increase the power of the dominant society; they were not only used for labor purposes. War between communities was not the only means of fighting that caused slavery. The second principle concerns fighting between family members. If a household becomes too upset by a certain member of the family, the remaining members have the option to sell the troublemaker into slavery. This in turn would solve the familial problem, as well as enable profit for the family and the individual. The family gains wealth and goods, as the individual is able to learn how to control oneself as well as gain a sense of responsibility. Debt proved to be another main resource for the buying and selling of people in Africa, which is the third principle. In Africa, where coin is not known, the slave is made a substitute for this commodity, and in each district a positive value is given him which is passed for currency and legal tender. There are cases of parents having to sell their kin because they were in such debt, as well as people selling themselves into slavery for a certain amount of time. TheseShow MoreRelatedCultural Retention During The Middle Passage1319 Words   |  6 PagesDelano Codner Professor Andrew Sachs Communication 300 18 October 2015 Cultural Retention in Jamaica Transport through the Middle Passage was a time of immense misery, suffering, and death for the millions of Africans who experienced it between the 1600s and 1800s. After arriving to Africa from Europe, slave traders violently kidnapped or bought African men, women, and children, for iron, cloths, and firearms. The Africans, most of whom were taken from Upper Guinea, Sierra Leone, Angola, theRead MoreEuropeans in Jamaica1509 Words   |  7 PagesWhen did they come? Jamaica was first colonized by a native group of South American origin who, in the early history of Jamaica, called their home a paradise of wood and water. 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DescribeRead MoreReggae Music : A Musical Genre That Influenced Jamaican Music1268 Words   |  6 Pages Reggae is a musical genre that has revolutionized Jamaican music. Reggae originated in Jamaica in the late sixties, early seventies. It’s slow jerky rhythm and spiritual lyrics have influenced many artists, genres, cultures, and societies throughout the world. This had contributed to the advancement of new counterculture movements, especially in the United States of America, as well as Europe and Africa. In the late seventies, it had impacted western punk and rock/pop cultures, which had resultedRead MoreSummary Of The Rodney Riots By Walter Rodney1712 Words   |  7 Pagesrevolutionary activist who fought for the rights of the poor and neglected people was a man named Walter Rodney. He was a Pan-Africanist and spread his message of Black Empowerment, Black Liberation, and African consciousness to the multitude in Jamaica and throughout Africa. 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Upon contact these Europeans (the Spanish), enslaved the Amerindians in their search for gold and other minerals. Coupled with the many diseases which were brought from Europe the intensity of the labour led to a complete decimation of these aboriginal peoples. Which had prior to Columbus’ invasion been nearly 8 million. By the time Columbus departed the indigenous population had dwindled down to around 100,000. His policiesRead MoreThe Discovery Of The New World1128 Words   |  5 Pagescomplete disregard to human morality. The result would be millions of slaves traveling all the way from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean into different parts of the New World. We must ask ourselves what led to this dreadful institution? Why was it Africans that were enslaved? Slavery was not anything new. In fact human slavery had excited for thousands of years, but the most recent form of slavery by the masses has been that of the Africans. 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Because slavery is abolished in all but a few countries many people believe it is no longer a problem, but slavery is still a big issue that people need to more proactive about. Slavery has a long history dating back to sometime around 3500 BC.In Mesopatamia they were the lowest class of civilization formed by Sumerians. Slavery also existed

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Child Exposure to Domestic Violence Child Exposure to Domestic Violence Child exposure to domestic violence has become the modern trend, which is happening way too often in many homes throughout the world today. Child exposure to domestic violence makes the exposed child to physiological indent to violence. Domestic violence is treated with consequences for violating the law. The crime can be considered a personal crime with traumatic psychological anxiety for the viewers of the crime. The content of the video capitalized on the effect of children who are exposed to domestic violence. The children are very much aware of the events that are happening within their home, some children view domestic violence as a normal†¦show more content†¦The news reporter in the video interviewed the children who witness their mothers getting battered by her boyfriend, or ex – lover. The audio for from the questions asked by the reporter was very troubling to hear about and the things they see and hear. In the video a yo ung girl being interviewed disclosed how she heard her mother’s boyfriend state he was gone to kill her mother first, and then the children. To imagine how the child felt fear for each time the child heard or saw him and when the child did not know where her mother was is very horrific. The specific feeling when a child develops a negative intuition such as when their mother’s life may be in jeopardy, but the fact what if the children are watching is never taken into consideration. The criminological theories, that could best explain the occurrence rate of this type of crime is the attachment theory, and social process theory. The attachment theory is a component of psychological theories. According to John Bowlby, the components of the attachment theory beginning with a bond between people through childhood experiences (Bowlby, 1990). If a child is denied any emotional need such as a strong, natural, emotional bond the child may eventual find the emotional bond elsewhere such as gangs and possibly becoming juvenile delinquents (Schmalleger, 2012). The second theory is the social process theory which governs

International Trade Newly Industrialized Countries

Question: Discuss about theInternational Trade for Newly Industrialized Countries. Answer: AOA in India Many economies are affected in a similar manner by global agricultural policies. Distortions and changes in global trading policies might make developing countries more vulnerable, but the implications of agricultural trade liberalism are also well determined in some countries. Global policies and trade liberalism aroused vulnerability in countries may be inherent to their economy like employment and foreign exchange earnings, strong dependence on agriculture for income, relatively high degree of sector openness and heavy dependence on food import and food aid. The agreement on agriculture (AOA) impact on a developing country like India can we understood by the closely looking at the current scenario analysis of the country. The Agreement on Agriculture was formed at Marrakesh, Morocco on April 1994. This was in an attempt to reform the world trade which was highly distorted at the time. Till 1991 India was isolated from international markets largely and intentionally. The country has a majority of small and marginalised farmers with smaller holdings of less than 2 hectares and not assured irrigation. Thus there is a need for support extension to this marginalised sector. Therefore the need of AOA was felt by the developing country and thus followed its implementation. Over the years the factors like market openness and exports of products with factor like Indias continuation with its domestic policy for the improvement of infrastructure and to increase agricultural production via provisions of inputs at subsidised prices after AOA implementation paints a clear picture of the impact laid. Under the provision of market access and the lifting of QRs on imports of certain agricultural products, it is argued with the opening up of world markets prospects on exports have increased (Sharma, 2008). This increase has resulted in the increase of prices of domestic agricultural commodities, resulting in the increase of farmers benefits further increasing investments. The international prices of the agricultural commodities will rise after the decrease in production and export subsidies, making India more competitive in world market (ZajƦczkowski, et al., 2015). The above mentioned aim of the Indian Planners faced one of the biggest challenges of food price inflation faced by developing countries. The food price inflation for India in August 2016 was reported to be 5.91%, food inflation in India averaged 8.46%. This makes it very difficult for India to export processed food from agriculture (McMahon, 2011). Thus if there are any reduces in the food price due to increase in cheap imports the condition of farmers would deteriorate further. The policy makers had to make provisions to adhere to such road blocks for a successful course of AOA in India. In the most recent reports India was placed 2nd in the world for its agricultural produce with $ 367 billion of produce in 2014. It has also been highlighted that out of the 6 global leaders in agricultural produce 5 are developing countries. Thus the backbone of world agriculture is the family farmers who make 70-80% of the 570 million farms in the world (B2B, 2016). References B2B, 2016. India: An agricultural powerhouse of the world. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 September 2016]. McMahon, J. A., 2011. The Negotiations for a New Agreement on Agriculture. s.l.:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Sharma, D. A., 2008. Impact on Indian Agriculture. Pratiyogita Darpan, March, 2(21), p. 192. ZajƦczkowski, J., Schottli, J. Thapa, M., 2015. India in the Contemporary World: Polity, Economy and International Relations. s.l.:Routledge.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis Essay Example For Students

Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis Essay The Struggle for the Perfect ManWhen we find a love interest and have an opportunity to commit to him or her, we usually do, not noting the consequences we may face by doing so. The first few times around, however, the outcome is usually not the one we had expected and hoped for. Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie and Zora Neale Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching God portray two young women on their trek to find the perfect love. Even though Carrie Meeber and Janie Crawford have almost nothing in common, they both shared the impact of the same consequences. Carrie and Janie show how people of countless numbers of backgrounds can share the same experiences and consequences through their journey of love. We will write a custom essay on Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first relationship often makes a big impact on the person, one that they will never forget.Carries journey begins on her train ride to Chicago. A very handsome and rich man, Drouet, takes note of Carrie and begins talking to her. She becomes overwhelmed at his quick advancement upon her and becomes weak and vulnerable. She quickly takes interest in him and does not know how to act or what to think as shown in this passage:There was something satisfactory in the attention of this individual with good clothes.She realized that she was of interest to him from the one standpoint which a woman both delights in and fears. Her manner was simple, though for the very reason that she had not yet learned the many little affections with which women conceal their true feelings. (pp. 11-12, Sister Carrie)Carrie didnt know what to expect when she got together with Drouet. She loved the wealth and money, and believed she loved Drouet. After a while she began to realize that she really didnt love him. But she thought that marriage would be a guarantee against losing his affection and generosity.Janie, on the other hand, was forced into her first relationship, in which this case was a marriage. Janie thought she could grow to love Logan, but did not. She soon learned that marriage did not make love. Logan did nothing wrong, Janie was just looking for something else, someone who could love her the way she wanted to be loved. In the second relationship, things are often thought to be better, but its not always the case. Both Carrie and Janie thought that they could make their lives better if they could just leave what they had behind and go off with someone else who they thought could be what they had always dreamed of. Janie meets Joe Starks, who tempts Janie into leaving Logan by telling her You aint got no mo business wid uh plow than uh hog is got wid uh holiday!A pretty doll-baby lak you is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yoself (p. 28, Their Eyes Were Watching God). Janie eventually finds unhappiness with Joe but doesnt do anything to escape from him. Carrie meets Hurstwood, and begins seeing him. After Hurstwood goes bankrupt, Carrie gets a job and leaves Hurstwood after learning that she can support herself. The third time around is where Carrie and Janie suffer the worst consequences. Carrie meets a young man named Robert Ames. Despite the kindness he intrigues her with, he was not concerned with emotions towards Carrie. She was left in loneliness only to dream of what she didnt have, as noted here: In your rocking chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone. In your rocking chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel. (pp.464-465, Sister Carrie). Janie finally met the true love of her life, Tea Cake. He treated and loved her the way she wanted him to. Unfortunately, Tea Cake contracted rabies and Janie had to shoot him out of self defense. .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 , .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .postImageUrl , .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 , .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:hover , .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:visited , .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:active { border:0!important; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:active , .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5 .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud2d0a6dccc38569dbe7c111ec77fb5d5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: INTRODUCTION Argumentative EssayLove is a very complicated subject. No one knows whom he or she will find as their true love, nor do they know when. We go through many different experiences and can share and understand one anothers, from prior experience ourselves. Carrie and Janies stories are just examples of what one might find on his or her journey through love, and they help us to understand why things happen the way they do. Even though everyone may not go up the same path at the same time, they all end up going down one main road, and therefore suffer the same consequences as everyone else has.